what i’m loving: june 24th 2015
It’s finally the middle of the week! Here are some things I am loving right now…
1. Friends—I finally caved and started watching the first season during finals week (which at first seemed like a huge mistake, until I made great grades and owe my scholastic achievements to a pint of Talenti and Marcel the monkey) and I haven’t stopped since! I can’t get enough of the Ross/Rachel relationship and Chandler’s dry humor makes me laugh out loud (ask my sister who’s in the next room at 2 a.m.). I am now on Season 4 and the show keeps getting better and better.
2. Aloe Vera Juice–I was told this juice can help in many ways, (not just with sunburns, like I said in my home remedies post!) because it can help with skin issues! It can help brighten your complexion and help you heal internally. It can help balance your immune system, keep your heart healthy, and aids in digestion. I’ve been drinking this stuff nonstop for the past few weeks! I buy the brand with the pulp in it and it is a great afternoon drink.
3. Flash Tattoos–I first bought these last summer, before they really took off and basically every girl around my college was wearing one on the first day back to school in August! I think they are the easiest way to wear a fun accessory on your body. In this post last September I am wearing one on my arm! I own the Sophia tattoo set!
4. LUSH Face Mask Cosmetic Warrior–I already love the Mask of Magnaminty mask, but I wanted to try this one out when I stopped by the Lush store last weekend. This mask was recommended to me by the lovely staff because it helps draw out dirt and oil from your skin without irritating it. Although it has an insanely overpowering garlic smell, I can bear with it and let it sink into my skin for 10 minutes. Try it if you need a new mask for breakouts!
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The Comments
Candice Petersen
The lush face masks looks great! definitely something I want to try because I have never used one before