How to Start Your Fitness Journey: Tips from a Total Beginner
Since I have a platform to share SO much with you on beauty and fashion, I also felt like I needed to document my fitness journey as another aspect to my life. I want to be open and honest in this post as I share my personal fitness journey over the past 2+ years.
My Life Growing Up
Let’s start with the beginning of my life as I grew up with a naturally thin figure. Throughout most of my school-age days I was focused on getting good grades and eventually securing a spot at an esteemed college. I never had to “worry” about what I was eating or how often I engaged in physical activity because of my genetics. Life was so good back in high school when my friends and I would chow down on take-out, pizza, and ice cream on a regular basis without a care in the world!
Life During the Pandemic
Fast forward to the pandemic. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I knew I wasn’t going to be getting the same level of exercise as I once did as an active 20-something. I tried my hand at numerous at-home workout routines from OBE Fitness and YouTube fitness gurus. These exercises kept me moving my body every day which I did appreciate because I never left my house.
However, the at-home exercises started to become more difficult for me as I needed to continuously rearrange furniture in my living room to give myself plenty of safe space. My cat also loved to interfere with my planks! The at-home workout life was never going to be my best way to achieve fitness success. As soon as a brand new gym opened up 8 minutes away from me in 2021 I immediately signed up.
How I Started My Fitness Journey
I am telling you my fitness journey from the perspective of a TOTAL beginner. I never stepped inside a real gym until post-pandemic life gave me the opportunity to try it out. Growing up, I had a narrow focus on achieving academic success which dominated my entire life. Having a naturally genetically blessed thin figure also made me think that working out would never be part of my life.
My life started shifting once I turned 25. During the pandemic years I also realized that I was gaining a little bit of extra weight. I had NEVER experienced any type of weight gain in my life like this until age 25 when my metabolism started to slow down. At first I was confused as to why this sudden change in my body was taking place until I looked into it more and read about changing to our metabolism as we age.
I started to notice that my clothes weren’t fitting me the same way as they once did. My shorts were tighter than normal. My size medium dresses hanging in my closet were also uncomfortable to slip into. I had to start making changes to my life which meant signing up for a gym membership to kick start my fitness journey.
Signing Up For the Gym
When I signed up for my yearly gym membership I also added on weekly personal training sessions. I knew I needed guidance with figuring out how to use the machines and free weights as a total beginner.
In my first round of personal training I had a former bodybuilder showing me how to utilize the gym machines and free weights to create a feasible 30-minute routine. I was so nervous during my first few sessions with her! It took me a few months to finally feel comfortable at the gym.
Tips for Starting Your Fitness Journey NOW
These are my tips for success if you are also planning on starting your own fitness journey. Please note: that I am NOT a medical professional, personal trainer, or fitness pro. I am a regular 30-year old woman with a fitness schedule that works best for my lifestyle. I am sharing my experience as a gym newbie to help you understand that the gym can be a great tool to help you feel good, shed some weight, and live a healthier life!
1. Sign Up For a Gym Membership/Find a Close Place to Workout Consistently
I know that money may factor into your fitness journey. Gym memberships can be pricey. With this in mind, I suggest you find somewhere that works for you as a place to workout consistently. There are plenty of outdoor workout facilities and rec centers to choose from. Search for the best option for you that’s close by to your house.
What matters most is that you can become consistent with your workout routine. Pick workout times that can become nonnegotiable for your life. Can you only workout in the morning before heading to the office? Choose that timeframe. Can you only dedicate 30 minutes at night to knock out your exercises? Pick the best time after dinner.
2. Learn the Machines and Weights
If you have a friend or family member who works out at the gym already I would take them up on a lesson to teach you how to use the machines. You can also ask the employees at the front desk of your gym to show you the ropes. YouTube can also be a SUPER helpful way to show you how to use a certain machine.
3. Download a Food Tracking App
I use the free version of My Fitness Pal to track what I eat in a day. Exercise is a vital component to starting your fitness journey, but so is what you eat. You can’t start busting your butt at the gym a few times and week and still eat poorly.
Shop My Healthy Snack Picks
Now I am not a nutrition expert by any means, but what works for me is a healthy balance of nutritious food with treats sprinkled in hear and there. When I have cravings I also make sure that my cravings are protein-packed or have some type of low-calorie factor to them. These are some of my favorite snacks to keep at my house and in my purse. You can click the collage above to shop my top picks!
Once you start working out consistently you’ll also notice how little you crave fried foods! I didn’t realize this was happening to me until a few months into my fitness journey. The harder I worked out the less I wanted fried and unhealthy meals.
When it comes to eating right these are a few of my tips:
- Keep healthy snacks and treats in your home (get rid of the temptations)
- Incorporate a water jug into your daily routine to stay hydrated
- Choose snacks that are high in protein
- Look up the best food options at whatever fast food restaurant you are at if you find yourself eating out
- Choose lean protein meats when cooking (lean chicken breast, lean ground turkey)
4. Prepare for the Gym with Quality Workout Clothes
You want to know something fun about starting a workout plan? New workout clothes! This is your opportunity to find high-quality and stylish workout clothes to motivate you while you push yourself to new limits. I love treating myself to a few new workout outfits once I hit certain goals.
Walmart Tank Top | Walmart Leggings | Sneakers
I’ve spent a lot of time and money figuring out what workout clothes I enjoy wearing for my tough weightlifting sessions and cardio classes. You don’t need to shell out hundreds of dollars on Lululemon workout clothes to get yourself ready for the gym. I have amazing workout clothes that I wear on repeat from Walmart and Amazon to share with you.
5. Create Small, Actionable Goals
When I first started my fitness journey I gave myself a few small actionable goals to keep myself focused. My first few months at the gym is when I focused on learning the equipment. My next few months after that is when I figured out weightlifting. Every 2 months I gave myself another small goal to work toward.
My Small Actionable Goals Included:
- Learning the gym machines
- Teaching myself how to weight lift
- Practicing breathing techniques
- JUST SHOW UP!!! One of the hardest things about working out is also getting yourself there!